Aron Soerensen

Aron Soerensen


Aron Soerensen is Head of Maritime Technology & Regulation at BIMCO. He represents BIMCO on marine, operational and related matters at international organisations such as International Maritime Organization, ISO, International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) and International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). His tasks include negotiating, monitoring and disseminating relevant conventions and developing international standards, regional/national requirements, and assessing their impact on BIMCO members. He was BIMCO’s project leader on the 2015 BIMCO/ICS Manpower Study, and has worked on cyber security development and software maintenance standards. Following a career at sea as a deck officer, Aron taught apprentice deck officers at nautical institutes in Denmark and subsequently joined the Danish Maritime Authority, working with safety of navigation in Danish waters.

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